WI Women Fish has been fishing the Wolf River for years. What a great spot for spring river walleye, sturgeon, white bass and crappie. Each species takes their turn on when they bite and often times they overlap. We are chasing walleye and our timing is right in the middle of the “walleye run”. The great thing about this event, is the shore fishing is great right where we are staying.
The trip for 2021 will be slightly different. We used to rent the entire resort and sell tickets and a spot in a cabin. With all the uncertainty with covid, we would rather approach things in a manner where people just rent the cabins direct from Red Banks Resort. People can gather their buddies and go in on sharing a cabin. The cabins will fill right away and I don’t want the new members to miss out so I want to encourage everyone to reserve their cabin asap. If you reserve a cabin and can not make it, offer it up to another member on the members only page. DO NOT cancel it with the resort.
The weather at this time of year will either be 70 degrees with gals wearing shorts, or a record breaking snow storm that prevents anyone from leaving. (We have had both happen) We always hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Most years we have a theme. There have been Easter egg hunts, Easter bonnet contests, play dough sculptures, wild game cook offs, and a variety of other things. One year we even had a bachelorette party. We are looking for a volunteer for plan this years extra curricular activity.
We will be sharing specific instructions on the best way to catch these fish. Watch the members only page for details. The long time members of this club have enjoyed this event for many years, and I expect they will be reserving their rooms as soon as possible. I hope you can join us.