Rainbow park in Oshkosh WI is a great park to shore fish and launch a boat. The shore fishing there is really good. The Fox river runs in front of there, and from the river, you can go to Lake Winnebago or any of the other lakes up stream.
Gals can take there boats and fish anywhere in the river. Shore anglers will find success from the shore line. One area has a 20 foot hole within casting distance. Several members of the club are familiar with fishing in that area.
Chris Boche, one of our veteran members, will give a demonstration on pulling flies in the river. This way of fishing is very popular in that neck of the woods and its a technique that is good to know.
Beginner anglers can get help setting up their rods for shore fishing and is a good time to help out fellow anglers improve their skills. Mid day will will break for lunch and burgers and side dishes will be served. A facebook event will be created for this even so we can determine how many will attend so we can plan for the food. If you are not on facebook and want to attend, send me a note via the contact us section.
Help with launching and loading will be offered. There is no cost for this event. If you are in your boat alone, I am sure there will be volunteers to jump in and join you.
The walleye and white bass fishing should be great that time of year. Hope you can join us.