Walleye Fish Green Bay
All photos posted in this event were taken at last year’s event.
Join other club members for fishing Green Bay. We did this least year and had a blast. It was so much fun AND we caught a bunch of fish!
Captain Barb Carey is leading the event and will be helping you become a better troller. Boats should be 16 feet or larger. We will give you a list of equipment to have on your boat. If you have a boat but are hesitant to attend due to lack of confidence, let us help pair you with an experienced partner to join you in your boat. These are considered federal waters like the Great Lake so there are additional requirements.
We will have a special guest joining us this year. Paul “Coot” Williams will be joining us in his boat. Some of you will be able to jump in with him. He will bring a lot of knowledge to help us improve our game. Also joining us for part of the time is Captain Laurie Kuphal from Ladies First Guide Service.
Registration will open for boaters first so we can determine how much room we have for non boaters. Watch the members only page for information on hotel information and additional details. Registration will open asap. Follow the members only Facebook event page for more details.
Fee will be $20 for boaters and $60 for non boaters. Non motors should be giving their boat Captains gas money. Must be a club member to attend. Some of us will arrive Thursday afternoon and plan to pre fish. Official event fishing days are Friday and Saturday with optional fishing on Sunday. Sunday is Mothers day. Event capacity will be determined by number of boats attending.