We have been helping Women improve their Ice Angling skills for many years. There are now many who are all in on Ice Fishing and have invested countless hours and money on improving skills and getting all rigged up. These are the gals that have been helping to mentor the new anglers, shuttle people without transportation and giving back to the group. This event is for them to help them improve their fish finding and catching skills.
We are targeting trophy panfish in the UP of Michigan. All who attend must have all of their own equipment including on ice transportation. We will learn about mapping, working together as a group to find fish, jigging and electronics techniques, and techniques to run and gun.
We have created a Facebook event on our members only page and gals are currently discussing lodging options. We have several lakes in mind, but will wait to assess ice conditions to make the final schedule. If you do not have on ice transportation, you can hitch a ride if you can find someone to let you ride with them. You can also explore renting a snowmobile for the weekend. We will be in Dickinson and Iron Counties in the UP of Michigan. We may even hit a nearby Lake for some splake. Event will be adjusted to meet the needs of those attending as far as what they want to learn.
Cost for the event is $50 per person. Fishing will be on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Some lodging on a nearby lake is available which would allow lake access for fishing on Thursday and Monday morning if so desired. Cost for the event is $50.